Teno – Quick Mental Calculation Game for Kids of Age 5 & Above


A fun way to teach children mental calculations and memory skills. Teno has a set of 110 cards with digits from 0 to 10 (10 cards of each digit). Using these cards a variety of games have been created to help children do quick mental calculations.
Though the main operation used is ‘addition’, there are games which involve all 3 operations ie, addition, subtraction, multiplication. Children enjoy these games very much and learn to do these operations mentally with ease & speed.
Teacher’s find Teno a good tool to improvise and create more games and activities according to the need of the children.

Availability: 20 in stock

Instructions on how to play is provided.
Teno can be used both in a classroom and at home and can be improvised to create more games and activities.
For Ages 5 & above.
Box Size: 13.8 x 13.8 x 4.2 cm
Box Weight: 600gm

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