Essential Oil Eucalyptus 12 ml


Eucalyptus Essential Oil:  Provides relief from Cold, Cough, asthmatic forms of Bronchitis, Throat infections and flu.
Respiratory conditions such as asthma and sinusitis may be helped by inhaling steam with added eucalyptus oil. The oil reacts with mucous membranes. It not only reduces mucus but helps to loosen it so that one can cough it out.
It is also used in aromatherapy in a diffuser it has a positive soothing and calming effect on the mind and helps to improve concentration when inhaled. It also deodorises and purifies the air.

Availability: 18 in stock

Department: Laboratoires Senteur
Content: 12 ml
Packing Dropper Bottle
Used in Aromatherapy

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